ETS142 Unit 3: Ideology

Ideology Unit

(6 weeks)


Week 10

M 4/18

-ideology The final Subjectivity essay due .

Intro to Ideology unit.

What is ideology?

Are we all the fabrication of ideology?

What’s your understanding of ideology?

How is the word used in daily life?

1.Read and annotate Nealon and Giroux, ch. 6 “Ideology.”

2. Transcribe a dialogue among your family members about an issue and bring it to class.

T 4/19


Deep reading of the text.

Share transcription. What ideology is conveyed in the dialogue?


Read and annotate “Ideology.” James H. Kavanagh.
W 4/20 Unpack “Ideology” by James H. Kavanagh.

Draw an ideology tree.= pragmatic,  romantic, political, gender, hunger, body, class, religious, ethnic, manner, education, marriage, success

Create a dialogic journal responding to some quotations( 3 alt least) in the essay. Let the quote speak to each other.
Th 4/21


Unpack “Ideology” by James H. Kavanagh

Examine and concepts and examples in the essay.

Share dialogic journals in small groups and class.

Read and annotate “Ideology and the Ideology State Apparatus” by Luis Arthusser.
F 4/22


Examine the concepts and examples in Ideology and the Ideology State Apparatus” by Luis Arthusser. Continue reading “Ideology and the Ideology State Apparatus” by Luis Arthusser. Create a dialogic journal responding to some quotations( 3 at least) in the essay. Let the quote speak to each other.
Week 11

M 5/ 2


Deep reading of text

Presentation of ideology

Identifying discourse in cultural texts


Objectives: Students will be able to identity and describe a specific ideology embedded in an image or a film.

Do Now: What film or TV show did you watch during the break? Describe an ideology that may have impacted the character on his decision making.

Mini Lesson:

  1. Watch an Ideology presentation-How is ideology represented?
  2. Select a quotation from “Ideology” article to explain how ideology is defined.
  3. Explain what the two types of ideological apparatuses. How does a society use the apparatus to serve its purpose? Select quotations from Altusser’s article to explain and illustrate.

Student Independent Practice

Identify a film we all have watched. Identify as many ideologies as you can that represent or impact characters’ thinking and actions or even alter their decisions. Which ideology is the most dominant? What does it do? What’s the opposing ideology? Why does it do ?  How do two or various ideologies interact and what’s the impact of such interaction?

Exist Slip: What question do you still have about he ideology assignment? Please refer to the assignment.

Homework: Continue working on annotating core readings related to Ideology unit and select a film that you’ll use for your ideology paper. Write a proposal in which you provide a summary for the film and explain why the film may help you illustrate how ideology is at work.


Find an image ( an add or poster or photo) that  demonstrates a specific ideology. Prepare for presentation.
T  5/ 3


Discourse discourse in cultural texts-presentation

–          Colonial ideology

–          Protestant ideology

–          Christian ideology

–          Republican

–          Democrat’s

–          Sexuality

–          Gender study-class

Write a page or two (#6Thinking Paper) to respond o the prompt-

How is Hollywood a social apparatus of political ideology? Describe and discuss a movie and examine what and how Hollywood propounds its ideology. Be sure to use a quotation or two from Arthusser or Kavanagh’s essays to select 3 quotations and apply them to your writing.

W 5/4


Authors, narrators, and authority Class and group share responses.

Review some concepts in “Panoticism”. What are the materialized ideologies manifested in the essay?

How do films explicitly explore the different ways in which ideology works on social subjectivity?

Read and annotate John Friske’s “Interpellation”

Think of a sign or hailing that a social group can identify.

Th 5/5


symbolic Social system #6Thinking Paper Due

hare a sign or hailing or “interpellation” that belongs to a specific social or cultural group.

Ideology has no history.


Watch a clip of a film TBA and discuss the pervasive nature of ideology or how ideology works both consciously and unconsciously.


Find one quotation from each of the core reading-Fucault’s “Panopticim”, Kavanagh’s” “ Ideology” , Friske’s  “Interpellation” and Althursser’s “ Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses”. How can the quotation be situated or framed in the film, affirming, contradicting, or nuancing?

Pick one film from the Suggested list for the Ideology project-

1.      The SIlkwork

2.      My Brother’s Keeper

3.      Dead Poets’ Society

4.      The Great Gatsby

5.      The Letter

6.      Pleasantville

7.      The Pianist

8.      Charlotte Gray

9.      Enemy of the State

Thinking Paper #7

Watch a movie and do the same activities we did in class. Find one quotation from each of the core reading. If you need to paraphrase the quotations, do so before with the analysis. Let the quote converse with each other  and discuss how each quotation is situated or framed in the film (1-2 PAGES.) Draft.

F 5/6


Making Meaning of “Ideology” and _____( you film).

Share draft and peer review.

Read and annotate an editorial. Write a pager responding to-

What kind of ideology governs the writer’s voice and opinions? Pay special attention to the diction.

Group and class share editorial analysis.


Write an editorial on a current issue.

Revise your thinking paper. We choose our ideologies to follow but we were also the products of ideologies before we were born.

Week 12

M  5/9


Groups share editorials. Uncover the writer’s identity though uncovering his/her ideology system.. Describe your partner’s identity based on your reading of his/her editorial. Read and annotate “Ways of Seeing” by John Berger pgs 141-159 in Way of Reading 9th Edition

Bring an image that’s imbued with ideology.  The Big Three: Race, Class, Gender.

T 5/10


Unpack Ways of Seeing” by John Berger.

Share images and governing or implied ideology.

Watch another movie from the list and create an imaginary dialogue among Foucault, Kavanagh , Althursser and Friske. What would they say about the movie? You can find direct quotations as their comments.
W 5/11


Thinking Paper #7 Due

Share imaginary dialogue.

Watch a clip of Miss Little Sunshine and discuss.

Watch another film and start making a decision which film you’ll use for your Ideology Essay. Write a proposal for your ideology paper. Make sure, you specify a focal point about ideology.
Th 5/12


Share and critique proposal.

Read “On the Subway” and “Street Calculus.”  Locate binaries, signs.

Locate patterns and binaries of the film you will write about. Start writing your ideology essay. You need to articulate what ideology you’ll write about and how it will play out in the film through characters and plot.
F 5/13 Marginalized, yes…but how?  By definition, strangers are people we do not know.

Discuss “Recognizing Strangers.”

Read and annotate “Recognizing Strangers.”  By SARA Ahmed .Come to class with a Q.T.I.-Questions, Topics and Information
Week 13

M 5/16


Continue “Strangers” discussion.  What does this essay say about our community or the ones in your film? Find three quotations from ““Recognizing Strangers” and situate them in your essay as your response to the film.
T  5/17


Read “Seeing Making Culture” by Bell Hooks (pg 219-224 in C.E)

How is poverty not visible? It exists but where is it?

Continue reading and annotating Seeing Making Culture”. Is there specific quotation in the essay that describes the immediate society you live in?
W 5/18

Th 5/19

Show film “Charlotte Gray “. Find three possible focal points about ideology you will apply to your ideology essay. You’ll analyze a  cultural narrative (film )of your choice to demonstrate how the film illustrates your focal point.
F 5/20 Show film “Charlotte Gray “

Quotation #1  (binder section 22)



(Continued about the Ideology essay)

The emphasis in your paper should be to examine some aspect of ideology and how that particular aspect is embedded or resisted in one or two cultural narratives(  films or story) you have viewed or read. Do not discuss the plot , characterization or theme aspect of the narrative but show how the narrative embeds or resist some aspect of the complex ways culture deploys ideology to reinforce of “self”, or “reality” or “Society”.

The paper should be about 2000 words in length and must adhere to the standards of academic integrity.

Week 14

M 5/23


No class. Memorial Day


Small group conference Continue working on your paper.
W 5/25


Small group conference Continue working on your paper.
Th 5/26


Small group conference Continue working on your paper.

First draft due on tomorrow.

Bring in your mapping for the claim to conference.

F 5/27 First draft due

Individual conference.

Work on revision.