Unit 3 Agenda

WRT 105: Unit 3 Assignment—Cultural Resistance and Dissent

Week One

Thur.12/3        Final Unit 2 essay and reflection essay due. Introduction to the inquiry into cultural resistance and dissent.; View episode of Crossfire and complete the accompanying heuristic.

Homework: 1) Read pp. 191-205 Chapter 9 (“Analyzing Arguments”) in Writing Analytically .

2) Read and annotate the first nine pages of Stephen Duncombe’s introduction to the Cultural Resistance Reader (in Critical Encounters).


  1. 12/4 We’ll do Guided Free writing Activity—Transitioning from Analysis to Argument (Heuristic)

Free write on the topic of Cultural Resistance and Dissent. Do a preliminary research on the topic ; We will discuss the Unit 3 assignment sheet, and then we will share our research findings; We will also unpack Duncombe’s piece.

Homework:       1) Generate a list of ten to twenty ways people resist or dissent from/in the dominant culture and then do a quick invention search. Take good notes on what you encounter and try to articulate the complex argument(s) embedded in the varying positions on the subject.

2) Read and annotate Rachel Middleman’s “History with a Small ‘h’: A Conversation with Glenn Ligon”


M 12/7             Review chapter 4 & 5 of Writing Analytically (“Toolkit of Analytical Methods II”pgs 91-94 & “More Moves to Make with Written Texts” pgs 117-119. We will practice some reading strategies outlined in the two chapters.

We’ll unpack Rachel Middleman’s “History with a Small ‘h’ “using the critical reading strategies; We will also apply Duncombe’s ideas about cultural resistance to the art of Glenn Ligon. Continue brainstorming of topics.

Homework:      Read and annotate Stuart Cosgrove’s “The Zoot-Suit and Style Warefare” (in CE).  As you read, note every instance where Cosgrove is analyzing; then, implement some of the reading strategies outlined in WA: look for and at the writer’s purpose; the rhetorical appeals; the arrangement of the text; the writer’s style; the context of the text (this will require a little quick-n-dirty research on your part—on Cosgrove, and on the place and time of the publication of his article).


T 12/8              We will discuss Cosgrove’s essay—as an argument—and explore how his argument

is predicated on analysis. We’ll also share our topic lists; In small groups, track the following analytical moves in Cosgrove, and keep good notes (page #s, quotes, etc). Complete the Argument as Inquiry heuristics.

Homework:     Read Faigley and Selzer’s “Understanding Written Arguments: Rhetorical Analysis” (handout) As you read, note every instance where Cosgrove is analyzing; then, implement some of the reading strategies outlined in Faigley and Selzer.


  1. 12/9 Read and discuss “Understanding Kairos”; Use the “Understanding Kairos” as a lens to reexamine your topics for cultural resistance argument

Homework:     Read and annotate Laura Hershey’s “From Poster Child to Protester” (pgs 205-215in CE). As you read, make an outline of Hershey’s’s argument, noting the various “moves” she makes throughout the essay (“L” for logos, “P” for pathos, “E” for ethos, “K” for kairos).


Week Two Argument as Analysis-Turning Analysis into Argument Heuristic


Thur. 12/10      Go to our SU library resource page (http://researchguides.library.syr.edu/writingprogram), and click on “Articles, Essays, and Data). Select two of the full text databases listed by category, and do at least four searches for articles using a combination of search terms (“style and resistance,” for example “the environment and activism,” “music and resistance,” etc.). Keep good notes on your searches, and be ready to share results in class.

Homework:     Keep reading and annotating Laura Hershey’s “From Poster Child to Protester”. Continue critiquing Hershey’s’s argument, paying special attention to the various “moves” she makes throughout the essay.


Fri 12/11            We will work with Hershey’s essay, discussing the rhetorical appeals she is making,

and practice rhetorical reading. More work brainstorming topics.

Homework:     1) Continue with your research. Bring a suggestion, a question, or a concern about using the databases to tomorrow’s class 2)Complete the Annotated Bibliography assignment (handout).


Mon.  12/14     Research Workshop; We’ll review the Heuristic of ‘Demystifying MLA”(handout)

Homework:       1)Read Chapter 14 “Finding, Citing, and Integrating Sources” pages 306-309.

2)Continue researching and compile the sources you plan to work with in your essay. Bring two sources (one scholarly) to class.


T 12/15            In small groups, we’ll complete the exercise of identifying scholarly and nonscholarly sources.We’ll start the discussion about “Argument Paper Proposal” (Heuristics)

Homework:     Complete the Form Proposal and bring it to the class tomorrow for peer review.


W 12/16           In small groups, we will discuss the content of our form proposals and then use the Evaluation Criteria for Argument paper to peer review the proposal.

I’ll conduct small group conference discussing the proposal.

Homework:     Revise your proposal based on the feedback.


Week Three    Detecting the Nuances in an Argument Heuristic (discuss model argument paper)

Thur 12/17       We’ll do the mini-dialogue exercise ( Heuristics) in small group. Based on the topic, create an imaginary dialogue among Duncombe, Glen Ligon and Cosgrove, commenting on the type of “cultural resistance”; We’ll discuss how shared reading can be used as a lens or “against the grain” in our argument essay.

Homework:     Complete the Annotated Bibliography (AB) and bring your AB and sources to class.


F 12/18            We’ll also share our claims and work on refining those claims; in class we will practice representing the ideas of our sources and putting them into conversation with one another.

Homework:     Complete the mini dialogue .Create your own mini dialogue and let the sources (from your AB) converse with each other over your claim.


M 12/21           We will discuss how to turn your understanding of your topic into argumentative stances and claims.

Homework:       1) Refine your claim.2) Read a sample Argument essay, “Small Change” by Malcolm Gladwell and make comment on its claim and rhetorical sourcing.


T 12/22            Discuss and reflect on the mini-dialogue assignment as a class. Also, we will review the evolving thesis and look closely at the Gladwell’s essay. Attention to the rhetorical features of his argument.

Homework:     1)Read WA Ch. 8 (“Reasoning from Evidence to Claims pgs 165-187”). Make a list (and bring it to class) of 5 points from this reading in WA that seem particularly important / surprising to your understanding of using evidence in a paper.

2) Start drafting your own argument paper. Write about 2 pages.


W  12/23          We’ll share our ideas from our reading about “Reasoning from Evidence to Claims”, discuss “Two Ways to Improve an Argument” page 196 in WA.

We’ll ask volunteers to share their drafts for peer review using Evaluation Criteria.

Homework:       Read “six steps for making a thesis evolve” ( pages 236-251 in WA).; Expand your paper from twp pages to 4 essay with a strong thesis (be sure to employ some of the strategies from WA).

Week Four

M 1/4              We will review introductions and conclusions and their rhetorical features and impacts.

Homework:     Revise intro and conclusion of your argument paper.


T 1/5               We’ll read “Does This Purple Mink Make Me Look Gay?” by Jonah Weiner ( pages 561-563 in CE) and complete the “ Believer & Doubter” worksheet , through which we’ll learn  how to work with opposing arguments.

Homework:       Develop your argument claim using this strategy. Expand your draft to six pages be sure to employ some of the strategies Writing Analytically offers for using evidence effectively.


W 1/6               Working with Binaries: Binaries Bite Heuristic; We’ll examine how Gladwell complicate his binaries in “Small Change” and identify examples of binaries.

Homework:     Building off what we did in class today with binaries, please write a 2-3 page response to the following prompt: Choose two sources that seem to be arguing dichotomous viewpoints about the situation you’ve selected.  Put these sources into conversation and then enter the conversation by identifying and complicating the established binaries.

Use the strategies to complicate your argument. Revise.


Th 1/7             We’ll share the section of your writing that focuses on complicating the binaries in your argument paper; We’ll also discuss the basic rhetorical appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos; We’ll examine how Gladwell apply rhetorical appeals in his ‘Small Change” essay.

Homework:     Continue writing your argument paper with special attention to rhetorical appeals. Bring any of the examples of ethos, pathos, and logos in your paper to share with the class.


F 1/8                We’ll reviewUnderstanding Argument”- In W.A. We’ll also discuss “What is potentially counterproductive about binary thinking?”

Homework:       Apply some of the strategies ( do’s don’ts about binaries) in your paper. Complete the draft and bring it in for peer review.


Week Five        Small group conferences

M 1/11             Peer review using evaluation criteria sheet. Read drafts and respond to your peers in the margins of their pages, annotating as a believer in the right margin and as a doubter in the left in three passages you deem especially meaningful.

Homework:       Take home your partner’s essay and finish the peer review. Bring drafts and peer review sheets to assigned conference.


  1. 1/12 We’ll have two volunteers to share their peer review comments on a paper. Volunteer for full class peer review. Round-robin feedback on drafts. More work with thesis statements..

Then, we will share drafts in pairs and discuss strategies for expanding drafts.

Homework:       Continue revising your essay with special attention with thesis.


W 1/13             Full class peer review and sentence and style workshop. ( page 375 -388 in W.A.)

Homework:       Revise your essay stylistically with special attention to word choice. 2nd Revision is due 01/03.


Thur  1/14        I’ll start conducting individual conference till the final draft of essay is due( 01/18). Make an appointment for your conference.

Homework:       Revise the essay.


F  1/15                         Review of reflection prompts for Unit 3-Argument paper.

We’ll have individual conference by appointment.

Homework:  Revise the essay to finalize it. Start writing your reflection piece on Unit 3.

Th. 1/19           Final essay and reflection due


Objectives: Students will reflect on the skills and strengths they have gained through the Academic Writing course by sharing their course reflection.

Aim: What insights have you gained about academic writing through the course study?

Do Now:  Review the reflection you have written. Circle a couple of points you would like to share with the class.

Mini Lesson with Guided Practice

Reflecting on all three units we have studied this semester, describe any skill or concept/theory you have learned from the following-

  1. College Essay and Application
  2. Analysis of a public space
  3. Argumentative essay on a cultural resistant movement

Share your descriptions in class.

Lead a brief discussion.

Student Independent Practice

In pairs, discuss the challenges you have faced to complete the argument essay. Be specific

Also share some insight of your gains from the last unit.

Exit Slip: What changes will you plan to make for the spring semester in order to improve your performance?